Wednesday, March 14, 2012

DIY Decorative Magnet Board

I found this beautiful frame in my parents mechanical room behind a water heater covered in dust when they sold our family home of 30 years six years ago.  Whew, that's a mouth full!   I knew what I wanted to do with it.   I gave it a coat of paint and a light sanding and turned it into a decorative magnet board.  I get a ton of comments/compliments on it from people who visit my home.  

See how "cute" my clutter looks?  And don't think I didn't take down 8 coloring pages from my kids before I took this picture.

Here's how you make one yourself: 

1. Start with a frame (no glass), the size I like is 2'x3'.  You can find them at Hobby Lobby, Michael's etc (use a coupon or wait for a sale of course!).  This particular frame is for my husband's grandparents.

2. Get some sheet metal.  I buy mine at Lowe's, $10 for a 2'x3' then you don't have to cut it which can turn into a mess and leave it with jagged edges that don't lay flat.

3. Get some glue.  Not any glue, I've used Goop, Gorilla Glue etc. and most of them make a huge mess or don't dry effectively.  I use this particular brand and love it because the nozzle makes it easy to control the glue and it dries great.  I know they sell it at Hobby Lobby.

4. Squeeze it on the flat edge but not too close to the edge so it won't squeeze over onto the front side of the frame.  And don't squeeze too much glue, it'll be a disaster.  

On a side note.....Don't do your project on your painted dining room table or at least put some newspaper down or else your table could end up like this.  (I was multi-tasking while I was making dinner and I do have a 15 month old mama's boy so you can imagine I was trying to hurry and while doing so, well, I ruined my table.)  Ugh and doh!

 5. Put the sheet metal in.  You may need to fix any bent corners before you slip it in and weigh down and edges that aren't laying flat.  I use my 2 lb. weights and they work perfectly.
Let dry overnight. 

6. Hang your pictures and other stuff or in this case, wrap it up!

I made some for my mother-in-law a few years ago and three of them hang down a hall to house all her grandkids pictures and art work.  She often mentions to me how much she loves them!  For Christmas this last year I gave one to my dad (a black carved frame) and I think it's the perfect gift to give someone who has everything or doesn't want anything at all...that was my dad and he loved his gift!  

                                                                Don't forget your coupon!


  1. I have been wanting to make something like this--you've inspired me!!

  2. I love your magnet board. There is something just so classy about it! Thanks for sharing with us! Hope you will join us again tonight!

    Take care,


  3. Do you sell these now? Do you have them online somewhere?

  4. Keeping a home clean involves paying attention to often overlooked areas, such as dust corners. These spots tend to accumulate dirt and debris over time, making regular cleaning essential. By addressing staircase dust corners, you can maintain a spotless and healthy living environment, ensuring every part of your home stays pristine.
