Thursday, March 1, 2012


I'm all about cheap, but in a good in doing something yourself to save some money.   Most of the walls in my house have art hung that I made myself.  Now as an interior designer, I'm not totally proud of that but as a crafter I am!  One day, when budget permits, I'd like to collect some fine pieces of art but for now these will do.

This paper map is from Martha and it was a little time consuming to cut all those small northeastern states but I love how it turned out.  If you have a Cricut machine, they have a cartridge called 50 States that you could cut out in snap to get the same look.

I inherited this frame with some hideous art in it from a design job over a decade ago.  When my kids started producing art,  I knew what I wanted to do with it.  I change it out every year, I love looking at their masterpieces and so do they!

I call this modern art.  My sisters and I about eight ago had this obsession with making our own art out of old canvases we found at the local secondhand stores.  My husband dislikes this one, I love it!   You could probably have your kids do some and they would turn out better than this.  hahaha!  Just use acrylic paint and top it off with a clear gloss.  These are SO  easy and fun to do!

Let's talk canvas some more but this time, fabric wrapped!  If you have painted a canvas and ruined it (I ruined a few!) then just cover it up with your favorite fabric.  Easy peasy and makes for something different on your walls!

These are just a few of my cheap decorating tricks, I'll share more later!


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